In addition to being a physical therapist, our new colleague Marion is also a manual therapist and McKenzie therapist.
But what exactly is Manual Therapy and the McKenzie Method and when can you benefit from it?
Manual therapy is a specialization of physical therapy. It’s a treatment that aims to improve the functioning of the joints and to improve body posture and movements. Below you will find a video with more information about Manual Therapy.
The McKenzie Method, also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), is an internationally acclaimed method for the assessment and treatment of spinal and limb pain. It was developed by physical therapist Robin McKenzie from New Zealand. MDT therapists are trained to assess and diagnose all areas of the musculoskeletal system. This means that if there is a problem in or around the spine, joints and muscles, an MDT evaluation may be appropriate. Below you can find a link to a website with additional information about the McKenzie Method.
You will also find leaflets below with additional information about Manual Therapy and how it works for various specific complaints.
If you think Manual Therapy and/or the McKenzie Method might be something for you, you can always call us for additional information or to make an appointment.
Video explaining Manual Therapy:
Website with additional information about the McKenzie Method:
Leaflets with additional information about Manual Therapy and how it works for various specific complaints (in Dutch):
Leaflet the Manual Therapist in General
Leaflet Manual Therapy and Dizziness
Leaflet Manual Therapy and Hip Complaints
Leaflet Manual Therapy and High Back Pain
Leaflet Manual Therapy and Headaches
Leaflet Manual Therapy and Low Back Pain