Falling is a major risk for people over 65. Many fall accidents cause injuries. A fall accident has a major impact on the self-reliance and on the quality of life of the elderly. To prevent this, Boerrigter Physical Therapy will offer a fall prevention program for people over 65 under the professional guidance of physical therapists. The program will start in oktober of 2024.
The target audience
Our program focuses on people over 65 living at home with an increased risk of falling, who are still able to walk for 15 minutes without a walking aid. If you are unable to do this, we recommend individual physical therapy sessions.
What is the purpose of our fall prevention program?
The goal is to prevent fall accidents among people over 65 that live at home. We teach them to recognize falling hazards, reduce the fear of falling and improve the activity level and equilibrium.
How does the program work?
Mobility disorders (disorders in balance, walking and muscle strength) are the most important predictive factors for falls of elderly people living at home. With our fall prevention program, we offer group exercise therapy in which the components above are trained. With this training, consisting of an obstacle course, game forms and fall training, falling can be effectively prevented.
When do we start?
The program has a duration of 10 weeks (1x session per week) and is offered free of charge. We will start on Wednesday October 2nd, from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM, at the Don Bosco Gym in Eindhoven.
This is a collaboration with B-Fysic Physical Therapy Gestel.
Are you interested?
Call or email us for more information or to register for the program.
Below you can find a video with more information about the importance of fall prevention.